DustFX HEPA Filter (2 HP Cyclone)

$ 799.95 CDN
$ 649.95 USD
+ $149 flat rate shipping on most items/ locations.
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Flat rate shipping conditions: Most machines under 1000lbs delivered to most major North American cities or close to trucking warehouses might be eligible for $149.00 flat rate shipping. Rural areas and difficult trucking routes may incur additional charges.
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The DustFX replacement HEPA filter fits the newer model CWI-DCP020H cyclone dust collectors with a flange mount as well as other similar built cyclones.

The advanced performance HEPA filtration will filter out 99.97% of dust particles .3  micron and 100% of all dust particles .5 micron and larger. To clean the canister filter simply move the cleaning handle a few rotations upon completion of each use.